Jul 10Liked by Laura McLaws Helms

Welcome back! I hope all of you are getting some form of sleep! Those first few months are rough!!!

This was so great, thank you! I grew up in Newport Beach, CA and this influence/style or “chintz” was certainly over here but with a bit of an “airy” California take (if that makes sense). Even my crib had a frilly canopy.

Also this reminds me of the film “How to Get Ahead in Advertising” by Bruce Robinson. It’s totally wacky but I love it (and Richard E. Grant for that matter. And obviously “Withnail and I” which they made together). Richard’s English house was the first thing that came to mind when I opened this post. If anything you have to see the blue and white kitchen in the film!

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I loved that moving growing up! It's been a very long time since I've seen it so I need to rewatch - Bruce was such a babe!

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Romeo and Juliet!

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Jul 10Liked by Laura McLaws Helms

Laura, Love this... brings back personal memories of the 80's!

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